Vincent Milne Born Hackney, London 1953 Has exhibited widely, notably in New Contemporaries, Stowells Trophy at the Royal Academy, Whitechapel Open, New English Art Club, London Group, and B.P. Young Artists Collection at the Barbican. He has executed interior and exterior murals in Lambeth, Lewisham, and Southwark, as well as Brittany. He studied Fine Art at Goldsmith’s College and gained a postgraduate certificate from the Royal Academy School of Art. He was awarded the Landseer Prize for drawing, a David Murray Scholarship and a Richard Ford Award for study in Spain. B.A. Fine Art Painting, Goldsmiths College, 1973 – 1976 Post-Graduate Cert. R.A.S. Royal Academy Schools 1976 – 1979 U.C.L. Medical School, Anatomy for Artists 1997 Not framed.
Vincent Milne Né à Hackney, Londres en 1953 Il a beaucoup exposé, notamment dans le cadre des New Contemporaries, du Stowells Trophy à la Royal Academy, du Whitechapel Open, du New English Art Club, du London Group et de la B.P. Young Artists Collection à la Barbican. Il a réalisé des peintures murales intérieures et extérieures à Lambeth, Lewisham et Southwark, ainsi qu'en Bretagne. Il a étudié les beaux-arts au Goldsmith's College et a obtenu un certificat de troisième cycle à la Royal Academy School of Art. Il a reçu le prix Landseer pour le dessin, une bourse David Murray et un prix Richard Ford pour étudier en Espagne. B.A. Fine Art Painting, Goldsmiths College, 1973 - 1976 Post-Graduate Cert. R.A.S. Royal Academy Schools 1976 - 1979 U.C.L. Medical School, Anatomy for Artists 1997 Non encadré.
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