Chaise Mid-Century de Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
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Enfilade Mid-Century Mitcheldean Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
Enfilade en Teck et Zebrano de Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
Grande Commode à Tiroirs Mid-Century de Elliots of Newbury, Danemark, 1960s
Enfilade Mid-Century en Teck de Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
Enfilade Mid-Century en Teck de Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
Enfilade d'Elliots of Newbury, 1960s
Commode à Tiroirs Mid-Century de Elliots of Newbury, 1970s
Secrétaire Mid-Century en Teck de Elliots of Newbury, Royaume-Uni, 1960s
Enfilade Mid-Century en Teck de Elliots of Newbury
Commode Mid-Century en Teck de Elliots of Newbury, 1960s